Meet N Ride--December 12, 2015

Nine of us (Larry, both Steves, Dennis, Richard, Mel, Dave, and Bob S.) met at Timothy for a short meeting prior to riding up into the foothills on this unusually warm day (70's) in December.

At the meeting we decided to set the January ride for January 16th. Weather permitting the route will be north over Sassafras Mountain to Dial then over on SR 60 to Suches or Dahlonega for lunch, followed be a meander east to pick up some good backroads back home.

Also discussed was the possibility of a multi day camping trip in east Tennessee and western North Carolina in the May time frame.The route between campsites would mostly be dirt/gravel roads that are considered doable on most of the bikes our members ride. Larry will be laying out the details for discussion at a later meeting.

At 10 am the nine took of for points north. The first stop was at a model plane "airport" on Old Federal Highway just north of SR 369. All were amazed at the size of the WW1 biplane models that flew and simulated dog-fighting to their delight. Though it didn't fly while they were there (brake problems) they had a chance to look over a jet powered model that the owner (pilot?) said is capable of 200 mph.

On leaving the airport the nine headed up Mount Tabor road  for a ride on  scenic Kelly Bridge road. After a short hop on Yellow Creek they took Conn's Creek road over to SR 372 then SR 369 to the lunch stop at Amos' BBQ. After lunch the group split to take their preferred ways home.

On all accounts a great ride on a beautiful day.

Here's a somewhat shaky video of some of the highlights.