Early Spring Ride February 9, 2013

Yes , it was still Winter, but it felt like Spring. After a couple days of cold rain here, and warnings of blizzards up north, we felt truly blessed with the promise of a day of sunshine with forecasted temperatures to be in the 60's.

Eight bundled up riders (the 60's were for later) arrived at the Citgo meeting place in time to get going at 10 a.m. The group, Steve, Scott, Bob K., Larry, Nelson, Robert and Bob S. were very pleased to have a fellow rider from the past, Tad, join us for the day on his Aprilia sport bike. The route called for a ride over to Silver City then up through Dawsonville to Dahlonega. There the group peeled off at the Stone Pile to take the twisty (and tar snaked) ride up through Woody Gap...

to the valley and little town of Suches where they stopped for a break and fuel. By then temperatures had risen toward the promised 60's and some layers and electric clothing came off in anticipation of body temperatures rising going through the thrills of Wolf Pen Gap.

The Gap did not disappoint. As an added attraction the posted 10 mph turns near the road's summit carried a hard-to-see layer of sand from previous snow falls. At the first of these the "point man" Bob S. thrilled the bicycling onlookers by sliding the rear tire out a few feet, mimicking a dirt tracker, yet keeping his Strom upright and in lane. Another blessing.

After a now cautious and slowed descent from Wolf Pen Gap the group headed over to Brasstown Bald to see if the road up the mountain was really bad enough to be closed. It was. Passing the washed out spur road they continued over to Helen. Normally, being crowd averse, this group would normally steer clear of tourist places like Helen, but figuring this was February, they gave it a try, stopping at a little place called "The Meeting Place". Aside from the confusion of trying to find a parking spot that was not "reserved-tow away" by some other restaurant, it was a pleasant experience. Good food and service, reasonable prices and most importantly a healthy tolerance for strangely dressed and boisterous motorcyclists.

Leaving Helen the group was to head toward the little town of Clermont, taking uncluttered back roads. Most did, two didn't. For reasons not yet fully understood the two then tail end riders, Larry and Tad, had fallen back and lost sight of the main group and missed the turn on to Duncan Bridge Road (GA 384). This shouldn't have happened if we had diligently observed the keep-track-of-the-rider-behind-you rule, but it did. The group saw they were two riders short after moving down 384 a half mile or so. They spent the next half hour trying to find the missing riders, searching up and down GA 75 but finally concluded Larry and Tad must have continued down the highway to Cleveland. The group then resumed their ride to Clermont, then over Price Road and parts of Lake Lanier, through Dawsonville to finally stop at the "Farewell Station" at the foot of the Steve Tate. After goodbyes riders took their individual ways home.

It was a great ride. Actually outstanding for this time of year. Once again fine fellowship. Most would agree with one of the riders who pronounced "I love this group". This rider does too.