Lunch On The Toccoa

A Frost Warning was part of the forecast for March 12th and it was not far off, as the morning temperatures were in the thirties in Woodstock early Saturday. Being forewarned the motorcyclists had rescheduled the start of the trip  to the mountains for 10 a.m, when things began to warm up and usher in one of those blue sky, clean air days that Georgians brag about.

Three riders were able to escape the inevitable Springtime "honey do" lists and get on the road. The three, Larry K, Bob K, and Bob S. made there way up through Jasper onto SR 136 and wound their way up the side of Sassafras Mountain past the two scenic pull-outs, that this day offered a clear view of Sharptop and further south. Near the high point on SR 136 they turned north onto Sunrise Ridge Road heading toward Cartecay (the intersection still has a sand coating so be aware).

Sunrise Ridge, as many of you know, is known for wildlife on the road. It would not be that unusual to round a turn to see a bear, as startled as you, staring back . This time no bears. No deer either, only two turkey vultures that were hesitant to leave their breakfast. But they finally did, with one clearing Bob S's head by inches.

From Cartecay they worked their way over real country roads and one-lane bridges to Doublehead Gap Road heading for Dial. But alas, Dial is no more. The cabin where one could get a good cup of coffee, sit on the porch and contemplate the pastoral valley scene is still unoccupied, and only a nearby trailer-grocery on Aska Road offers any possible substitute (don't bet on it). The guys were getting hungry and remembered a restaurant up Aska Road a ways that might be open. If not, Blue Ridge would have to do. They were lucky, the Toccoa Riverside Restaurant opened just minutes after they arrived. and they found a table on the sunny balcony overlooking the river. Sweet. Good food, good service and a scenic overlook to boot.

After lunch Larry decided his new-to-him KLR was too clean for a real dual sporter and he decided to back track a few miles and head for Suches over Forest Service roads. The Bobs continued north to Blue Ridge, then over to Morganton to pick up SR 60 going down to Suches (the TVA bridge over the dam is still closed). SR 60 from Morganton to Suches is one of the best motorcycle roads in north Georgia; lots of sweepers, and tight turns, all well banked. That coupled with the great valley views make it one of the local attractions.

The Bobs got to Suches before Larry and after a while began to think splitting up may not have been a good idea. But soon the sound of Larry's "one-lunger" turning into the station at SR 180 set them at ease. He was muddy but in good shape. After taking a rest and getting the local gossip about T.W.O.'s closing and the news that someone is opening a restaurant (Suches' only) where Lenny's used to be, the guys headed through the twisties of Wolf Pen Gap to the intersection by Vogel State Park, then onto US 19 up Blood Mountain and down the peg-scrapping turns to Turner's Corner, Dahlonega and home.

You couldn't have asked for a better day of motorcycling, the kind that makes you want for more. Too bad so many had to miss it. But wait, the Ocoee - Cherohala trip is less than four weeks away.