North Georgia Ramble- Al Fin

Finally we were able to complete the twice storm-canceled ramble to our mountains to the north. Though the ranks were thin (Cherokee school vacation), Larry, Jim and Bob, the Three Musketeers (weren't there four?)  were up through Jasper and into the foothills by 9 o'clock Saturday the 18th of September.

Our first stop, a favorite of many, the 1870's cabin-store in Dial was, alas, closed. A peek through the window told us it was not just closed for the weekend. All the shelves were empty and the refrigerator blocked open. Bummer! But we made do and headed off to Suches by way of Blue Ridge (not your direct route). Second surprise, the roadway over the Lake Blue Ridge dam is barricaded with no detour posted. After a few thoughts about running the barricade, we thought better of it, and backtracked to town to jump on the four-lane to SR60.

SR60 down from Morganton to Suches is always a delight. The pastoral scenes, with gentle sweepers, soon gave way to tight tree-lined turns that demand attention. The road is in good repair and many of the turns are banked, but outside-inside-outside was the rule for the day. Quickly we got to Suches, relaxed with a coffee on the outside bench to enjoy the scenery and the quiet. Two minutes later we were joined by at least fifty cruisers on a mission. My, how things changed. Turns out they said they were on a "Meth Run" out of White county (don't ask).

Out of Suches we headed for Wolf Pen Gap, to narrow our chicken-strips, then on to Blairsville for lunch at the Hole in the Wall. Didn't happen. Seems they chose this weekend for a Bluegrass Festival and the town square was sealed off. We made do with Wendy's. After lunch we rode over to Trackrock Road and had a nice open vista run down to the Richard Russel Scenic Parkway, aka SR 348. This is always good, but it's better now, since they repaved the summit.

We turned right at SR75A and avoided the crowds in Helen (Oktoberfest ya know) and took backroads to Dahlonega, then home. All agreed, a great ride, worth the wait and a sure do-again when Autumn is here.

Here's some amateur footage (inches?) of the day:

and a photo...