Big WNC Adventure-- June 2019

Truth in advertising prevailed… Dave, Larry, and Mel had a big adventure enjoying the best roads and trails Western North Carolina has to offer!  Although the forecast for this 4 day, 3 night moto-camping extravaganza ranged from iffy to awful, they persisted and were rewarded, and are ready to do it again soon.

Larry and Dave left on a Wednesday morning and rode peaceful backroads to the N Ga mountains and met Mel at Neels Gap.  From there, they enjoyed a beautiful trip to WNC on mostly empty roads – weekday travel has its perks.  After a hearty lunch at Creekside Deli in Franklin, they headed to Wayah Rd (curviest in the land!) and the Nantahala gorge, but not without rain gear.  Was the ominous forecast true?  They encountered just enough light rain to tamp down speeds on the Dragon-like Wayah Rd.  But with the clouds trying to lift, they headed up the Forest Service to Wayah Bald and its fabulous lookout built by Roosevelt’s CCC – a must-see on any sunny day, but mostly socked in then.  On thru the gorge and a well-earned rest at the Nantahala Outdoor Center to watch the (chilly) rafters.  From there they took the needs-no-introduction Blue Ridge Parkway to their camp for the night – Mile High Campground about 20 miles outside of Cherokee.   Yes, that’s a couple of elk monitoring traffic on the road to camp.  Glad they didn’t charge at us - they were HUGE.  What Mile High lacks in services, they make up for in beauty.  After a full day of riding, the men used backpack stoves to make surprisingly good hot meals before enjoying a great evening campfire.