Short and Sweet--July 13, 2019

With Hurricane Barry sending loads of tropical moisture our way, the forecasts for our July ride were bleak at best.  But if we could start early enough and get back before the skies boiled, we could still ride.  Larry, Dave and Dennis met early in Ball Ground for a pleasant ride to some familiar haunts.  In the cool morning temps, we meandered north thru Grandview, and Burnt Mountain to [a scenic respite which shall remain nameless].  Yes, this place is so special, some would prefer to keep it secret.  It’s a place so high you can envision eagles resting in it beautiful shelters and was once the start of the Appalachian Trail – oops, I hope I didn’t give it away.  Ask a club member and give them the secret handshake and they’ll let you in on it. 

Since the morning skies were so beautiful, Dave decided to head toward our original ride destination, Suches, and meet Barry for at a Triumph gathering at TWO.  It looked like it just might be doable.  From the [scenic respite which shall remain nameless], Larry and Dennis headed down Steve Tate and Yellow Creek to an early lunch in the still-cool shade trees of Sylvia’s Sugar Pike Junction for a couple of her fabulous burgers, another favorite and one we can publicly recommend!   About 120 miles of smiles and home just after noon, and before the popups began right on schedule at 2.  And Dave and Barry… they enjoyed lunch at TWO and skeedaddled home before the deluge as well.