Fall Camp-n-Ride--October 11-12, 2019

In the midst of our never-ending Georgia summer, we wondered if it would be possible to sneak in an overnight ride before winter flurries came.  The Lord provided in abundance as we enjoyed gloriously cool riding and camping in God’s wonderland we call North Ga.  Three (Larry, Dave and BobK) were able to sneak off work Friday and make a full 2 days of it, while Dennis, Richard and his friend Chuck left Friday afternoon to meet up at our evening’s destination – Two Wheels of Suches.  (Welcome, Chuck! We thoroughly enjoyed riding with you and hope to see you again.) 

Friday morning the “early 3” headed out 140 to Armuchee, then N into “ridge and valley” country, resting at the Pocket (a gushing spring park at the base of Johns Mtn) before crossing up and over the ridge on extra-tight Lake Marvin Rd (by the Girls Scouts’ Misty Mtn camp).  We then reacquainted ourselves with an old favorite, hwy 52, across the Ft Mtn area to our well-earned lunch at Pooles BBQ in Ellijay.  The ‘que was good, but even better was our server, a middle-aged woman who’d just started riding a few years earlier.  She absolutely couldn’t contain her excitement for riding and was enthralled with our trip (and insisted she take our pic before we left!)  It was fun to see her so excited.  If you’ve ever considered riding, ask any of us and we’ll gladly point you in the right direction for a safe start.

After lunch we enjoyed the Dial and the Doublehead Gap area, then 60 S to Suches, but Larry and Dave couldn’t resist a forest service detour up Gaddistown Rd and across Cooper Gap for a short (ok, long) cut to Suches.  At TWO, we soaked in wonderful fall temps and late afternoon sunshine as we set up tents and caught up with each others’ trips.  Dinner was good, but fellowship even better.  The place was hopping with a mix of Motor Maids (SE gathering site for a ladies riding org), those riding the Blue Ridge 250 (charity ride event) and campers like us just taking advantage of the best weather in months.  Cool mountain air always makes campfires and tent sleeping better!

After hearty breakfasts, we broke camp and enjoyed Wolf Pen Gap to 75, then N to Hiawassee for a ride UP! Bell Mtn (see our Sept ‘18 write up on this spectacular and unique overlook).  From there it was S to Helen for a sampling of German fare and some truly interesting people-watching.  After lunch, we bagged a trip up the Richard Russel scenic hwy, then down 19 thru Blood Mtn before heading home via Dahlonega and Dawsonville.  Mileage was about 370 for the two days and home about 4.  Can’t wait to do it again.  Maybe in the spring?
