January 2021 – Three Popcycles Tour

Well, the riders were each “pops” and it was quite cold, so we’ll go with the “Popcycles” moniker. To break their winter doldrums, Larry, Dave and Richard rode a leisurely tour through the Henderson Mountain area of northern Cherokee and southern Pickens counties (yes, there really are mountains that close to home). They started after lunch and kept it short in an effort to use the best hours of the winter day. Their strategy paid off a little since their 40 degree ride was about 5 degrees better than the morning temps. In winter we’ll take anything we can get! Although they saw snow flurries at the start, the stiff winds quickly pushed those out and brought in broken clouds which gave an occasional peek at sunshine. Each rider made good use of heated jackets and gloves.

All agreed it was enjoyable getting back on the bikes, if only for a few hours on a cold day. About 100 miles. Join us next time and we’ll promise warmer temps!