June 2022 – A Mid-Summer’s Day Ride

In late June, Dan, Dave, Larry and Mel toured the N Ga mountains with a very special guest, Dave’s son Joe. Joe’s been living internationally for several years, but just returned to the States with his fiancé, Lucia, to relocate to upstate NY where she’ll complete a doctorate program. Dave has been lovingly babysitting Joe’s Triumph Scrambler and now it was time for Joe to reunite with his “baby”! A father-son ride like this deserves the best we’ve got, and so we gave it to them.

The group toured some easy-going favorites like Grandview, Sunrise, and Doublehead Gap as they leisurely made their way to Van Zandt’s in Dial. Although the forecast was somewhat iffy, the day was shaping up to be clear and dry with temps in the low 70’s. After their respite, they made a loop around the backside of the Toccoa River to gawk at the trout fishermen and rafters, but it was too early and cool for rafters. They then headed down 60 enjoying wide sweepers initially, then tight twisties as they approached Suches, all in cool weather and no traffic.

Lunch at TWO was bebopping as usual, given the fine riding weather.

Afterwards, it was across Wolf Pen Gap, then down 19 thru Neels Gap, then thru the Frogtown area (our new favorite bypass around the slow, hot traffic of Dahlonegha) and Bannister/Matt toward home. Didn’t see temps starting with an 8 until well on our way home. Can’t beat it.

We wish Joe and Lucia all the best in NY, but still secretly hope to see them again in Ga someday.

Unfortunately, too much fun was had to take many pics, but check out the great video here…