Meeting Recap--July 27, 2019

Larry, Dennis, Richard, Dan and Bob S. met this day to plan a ride for August and discuss other club matters.

After viewing and discussing a LHM video about the book of Hebrews, we focused on setting a ride plan. With almost ten years of monthly rides completed it is tough to find something new and fresh

While details are still forthcoming the ride will include Dial, Morganton, Blue Ridge, Toccoa River Restaurant (lunch), Pleasant Valley, Talking Rock, Jerusalem, Salacoa, Waleska, and Sutallee. Planned date is August 10th with a "rain date" August 17th if needed. A route plan and mileage should be posted within a week.

We spent some time discussing how we can increase participation in our monthly meetings. Many riders (and no-longer-riders) have knowledge and experiences that would be valuable to hear, share and discuss. So, if you are "listening" think about joining us on August 31st (and/or the 10th)

Regarding our effort to reimburse Dan for his past out-of-pocket costs supporting our website he reported that so far he has received a total of $330 from four individuals. That leaves around $100 still needed to cover past outlays and new charges are due in September. If you haven't already contributed please remember and either PayPal Dan or send him a check( addresses are in an e-mail titled MEETING RECAP (and addresses).

 We need to keep in mind this reimbursement is for past expenses. Dan receives hosting charges twice a year, and others yearly. Any donations in excess of those needed to cover the past will be applied to new charges as they are received.

Richard told us about his meeting with motorcycle group in Woodstock. Most, if not all are "older"Harley riders At one point hey were lamenting the fact that some of the younger riders are less interested and older riders are dropping out. Apparently this problem is not confined to the USA.