November 2023 - Connecting at The Savoy

It was planned to be a combination day with the November TLCMC ride sweeping around to take in the Connections Car Show at The Savoy Automobile Museum in Cartersville, GA.  Unfortunately several things conspired to scupper the ride including Larry’s KTM service being delayed by the need for a special order cam timing tool, but as it turned out the weather on that Saturday morning was not conducive to enjoyable riding anyway.  Even driving up in the ’73 Mustang convertible included some interesting moments as the rain on the concrete roads made for some slick and slippery driving conditions.  

Arriving at the Savoy we were one of the small group of show cars on site, but as the morning progressed the rain stopped, the sky brightened, and the cool toys came out to be shown and judged.  

It was definitely a more subdued attendance than would have been achieved on a better day, but nonetheless it was a good turn out of some very fine, sublime, and unusual vehicles.

Chevy Bel Air
Chevy Bel Air
Not an E-Type...
Not an E-Type...
...but an XKR in a Body
...but an XKR in a Body
Plymouth Superbird, beep, beep
Plymouth Superbird, beep, beep
Dodge Charger
Dodge Charger
Fire Fire
Fire Fire
Fire Fire
Fire Fire
A Minor Modification
A Minor Modification
Chevy Bel Air
Chevy Bel Air
Windveil Blue Mustang GT
Windveil Blue Mustang GT
Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond
Smokey and The Bandit Ride Again
Smokey and The Bandit Ride Again
Thunderbirds Are Go
Thunderbirds Are Go
1973 Mustang Convertible
1973 Mustang Convertible
The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers
1973 Mach 1 Mustang
1973 Mach 1 Mustang

Inside the museum the featured themes included monster trucks, Tatra vehicles (from Czechoslovakia), and a Bryan Fuller exhibit that included incredible custom cars and motorcycles.

Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit
Fuller Exhibit

All in all it was a very enjoyable day and worthy of a return visit as a waypoint on a ride in the future.